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National Read Across America Day
As part of community reading for National Read Across America Day to honor Dr. Sue's 116 birthday, ACCL director was invited to read to...
"Testimonials from ACCL Book Tour"
Our director, Mr. Gordon Halm visited the Washington School in Lowell to read Parsley's Great Adventure to the students. Please check out...
Book Tour: Reilly School in Lowell
On December 13, 2019, ACCL Director visited Reilly School in Lowell where he read to about 25 children in the 2nd grade. They had a very...
Book Tour: Centralville Elementary school
ACCL Director visited Centralville Elementary school in Beverly where he read to two 2nd grade classes. Later on, both classes met...
ACCL Book Tour
ACCL Director, Mr. Gordon Halm, met with Rev. Trina Portillo of Presbyterian Church of Burlington, MA. He was invited by the congregation...
Parsley's Great Adventure Book Tour
ACCL director, Mr. Gordon Halm visited the Daley school where he met with students to speak about his debut book, Parsley's Great...
ACCL Director, Mr. Gordon Halm, began the book tour for his debut book, Parsley's Great Adventure. He visited Bailey Elementary School in...
‘Big adventure’ available for readers
We are proud to announce that our director and author of the children's book, Parlsey's Great Adventure, is featured in the lowellsun...
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