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Parsley's Great Adventure Book Tour
ACCL director, Mr. Gordon Halm visited the Daley school where he met with students to speak about his debut book, Parsley's Great...
ACCL Director, Mr. Gordon Halm, began the book tour for his debut book, Parsley's Great Adventure. He visited Bailey Elementary School in...
ACCL Outreach
As part of visitation and creating awareness in the African community and beyond, ACCl director visited Jesus Miracle Center, Inc, a...
New Presentation, New Connections
At a presentation this week at the ACCL, Gordon shared with DCF Staff, Supervisors, Director of programs during their staff meeting about...
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Visits the Center
The visit yesterday with the Nobel Peace prize winner at the center was extremely moving. Below pictured is Gordon Halm, Nobel Peace...
Halm to Speak to MCC African Club
On February 21, Gordon Halm will speak with the African Cultural Club at Middlesex Community College. The African Cultural club is for...
Refugee and Newcomer Coalition Meeting
On March 24th, ACCL hosted the fourth monthly meeting for Refugee and Newcomer Coalition. This was the second time the meeting was held...
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